Thursday, March 6, 2008

Moose in the yard

magicalwonderlandcarnivalco. presents

There she is again. Solo now. I wonder were her momma's gone? Getting some sunshine and right near the canyon road. It's like a zoo with all the cars stopped. Folks are lined up for 50yds. It's now dawning on me that I should have taken a picture of the people and not just the moose. She's laying there quietly. Occasionally moving an ear or batting an eyelash. You can see her in action on the video.
I love the comments from the onlookers. Is she sick? Is she stuck? Is she pregnant? All stupid questions, I think. It's easy to see we view animals like we're in a zoo facility. Were is the zoo keeper for feeding time? Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! We love technology while nature offends us. We're taught this from childhood. Good consumers aren't going to be spending if their 'wasting' their damn time looking outside. 'We need purchasers' to drive this religion of purchase power. This is democracy and it's the best thing for the whole globe. Unfortunately, technology doesn't function in a world governed by the natural law. Ya ya ya, the human experience determines the value of technology. I get that rhetoric. It's a worship of technology which makes us ignorant to nature. A reliance on technology makes us loyal consumers. We have put ourselves in boxes. Cages, rather, to keep us from nature. We've surrounded ourselves with comforts. We've left the natural world behind but it's continuing on as it always has before humans were here and will after we are all gone.
The moose is a great witness to the perseverance necessary in this wild earth. I live up here in the Wasatch. She survives with fur, with long legs, with years of evolution under her 'belt'. It's amazing how capable these animals are. It's a long cold extreme winter in the mountains. We'd rather not be bothered by nature. It's in the way. It's cold. It's hot. We'll freak when our technology fails which it will. We'll freak when the power isn't turning on in our houses or the water doesn't come out of the tap like we expect. The moose like all natural beings(humans included) live by the natural law. Technology cannot solve that 'little problem'.




Anonymous Loni said...

I love the way you think!

March 11, 2008 11:56 AM  

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