Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The 700 billion Bailout or Spitzer gets taken out...

magicalwonderlandcarnivalco. presents

Eliot Spitzer, what we're you thinking? It's a wild party scene in New York? The Emperor Club VIP website was available to anyone who had internet. That's a lot of people. Open, shut case for the feds. What a tough investigation? Why go after Spitzer now? It's politics and sex. How are we to survive such a scandal? It's sick and wrong. Is public office the best vocation for these men? Their prodigious sexual appetites are best served in private. Although, you're a target when you take on the Bush administration. Which is just what Eliot Spitzer did! His editorial piece in the Washington Post, last February 2008 described the goal of the mortgage crisis.(google for a copy of the editorial). How the Bushites used the OCC to cause this failure in the lending 'game'. On purpose! If our economy takes a fall will the Federal Reserve bail us out? Unlikely? 'They' have much to gain from an economic collapse of this size. The chaos in Iraq has made 'them' excessive amounts of money. Still is! But, that's why 'the Fed' was created in 1913, right? To save the U.S. economy from a disaster. A secured, final bank to assist in the gravest times of economic need. Not probably the intent of the founders, J.P. Morgan and J.R.Rockefeller. Poor guys? Weren't they publicly elected officials burdened with the difficult task of creating a National Bank? Nope, they were the richest in the land and knew the potential for a banking institution which prints all the money it wants, whenever. Why would the Bushites want to purposely cause our economy to collapse? Maybe, that was the goal in 1913?
It's a 3 trillion dollar bill in Iraq. Who's getting this check? We've outsourced our economy and our precious industry to other countries. China, S.Korea, Japan, and the oil producing countries are enjoying 'open trade' relationships with the United States currently. We've taken massive loans from these same countries to afford Iraq and other disasters. Wait! We owe these countries for our overspending pathology. Who let that happen? The very countries with whom we're recklessly trading have us in their pocket? Why are we giving away the United States so easily?
Did the 'Federal Reserve' also have this planned? The Federal Reserve is a body of men whom answer to no one. They act totally independently of legislation. They meet in secret. If you point the finger at them, like Spitzer, you'e out. They assassinated his personal life but how many others who've spoken out have just gotten assassinated?
Those wild political parties! Wonder how the Bushites spend their private time? Is Spitzer's idea of excitement that unique with this group? I bet the Bushies sponsor a wild party. Something like 'those' scenes in Eyes Wide Shut ? It's tough to get a bigger high than robbing the coffers of millions of hard working Americans for personal gain. Getting away with that must be tough to top! It's only the Saddi's whom throw the unforgettable orgy. Their wealthiest have centuries of practice in the 'dark art' of lavish hedonism. We remain loyal to their rogue ways, policies, desires in the region. It's a fossil fuel addiction we have. How did all this obvious abuse happen? Why does it continue? Will history ever tell the story of the attack on the twin towers accurately? We're at war now! So, I guess it worked. We are watching this Bush administration give away our country? We do nothing to stop this theft. We talk about the beauty of Democracy as we militarily force it upon the globe like the tyrant's we've judged. Why? Will you, that's you reader, be ready when this ship sinks? Do you know anything about your food supply, your water, your land, your neighbors?
The land will prevail(maliciously scared with toxic pollution for profit sadly). The Bill of Rights, which was given away by Congress during the Bush administration, will fail like so many documents. Men are weak to power and, like Spitzer, sex. This has not changed. Our forefathers feared an aristocracy and now we are one! Worse, we have a military with itchy feet. The most modern killing machine in human history. Our leaders have no regard for anyone but themselves. They are in charge of this machine. Think about that! The U.S. military is in Iraq and countless places around the world. How soon till they're in 'our' country? In this United States, you say!? Doing what? Helping give coats to the poor and medicine to the sick? Hey kids, let's look to other colonial empires for answers? Hmmm, let's not that's very scary!
1 million Iraqi's killed, two million displaced, 1 million displace in Iraq, 4,000 U.S. killed and 100's of thousands with PTSD(low estimate). Just as they do over there, they'll do here. Military thinking is cancerous in nature, it dies only when it has eaten itself. What are you going to do reader?



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